Retail merchandising

Brand Up Team provides merchandising services in retail stores, as well as advice on optimal product placement on shelves and throughout the sales space. We offer high-quality solutions for product and marketing material positioning, tailored to your specific needs.

Product Placement

Proper display and product positioning are key factors in increasing sales and strengthening the brand. If your company lacks staff in the role of merchandiser, our retail merchandising service is here to fill that gap.

Service Merchandising

Brand Up Team provides merchandising services in retail stores, as well as advice on optimal product placement on shelves and throughout the sales space. We offer high-quality solutions for product and marketing material positioning, tailored to your specific needs.

Client Reporting

We conduct client reporting through the ESTEH software, which allows our merchandisers and technicians to send real-time data from the field, immediately accessible via the portal.

*The real-time monitoring and reporting portal shows images from POS locations (image 1) and the route taken by the technician (image 2).

The final report is generated in an Excel table that includes time, GPS coordinates of the POS, photos, and additional comments.

Through this system, it is also possible to create a unique database of stores with POSM located at those locations.

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